January 12, 2021 by Andy Byrne

Communication Technology Evolves to Meet Changing Business Needs

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Industries: Education Energy Industries Hospitality Manufacturing Transportation & Logistics

Topics: Business-Critical Applications Industrial Internet of Things LTE Devices & Applications School Safety Unified Team Communications Video Solutions

Imagine you are a shop floor manager at a large manufacturing plant with several buildings across a large campus. On a daily basis, you need to communicate with people in other buildings about the arrival of materials, the status of projects and shared staff. Unfortunately, WiFi connectivity is unreliable and inconsistent, so information does not flow freely between teams and functions, compromising productivity and timelines.

So, what’s the problem?

Yesterday’s WiFi does not support today’s business needs. Secure and reliable high-speed  data communications are a challenge for many businesses, especially those with large campuses or worksites. WiFi and public LTE often lack the bandwidth and data speeds to support sharing multimedia, accessing data applications and streaming live video, which are increasingly essential for business operations and security. Today’s businesses need powerful and secure networks to support their evolving voice, video and data needs.

How do you address it?

Private LTE is the foundation for business-critical voice and data. Motorola Solutions’ Nitro™ private LTE network offers secure and reliable indoor and outdoor coverage to support instant voice communications and the lightning-fast transmission of data. It leverages the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum for greater capacity and broader coverage than WiFi and public LTE to support the technology and programs businesses rely on for communication and collaboration. However, while Nitro connects teams and functions across a variety of devices, what’s been missing is an all-in-one device that is purpose-built for the networks and the industries that need it most. 

Evolve brings productivity and efficiency to your mobile workforce. The newly introduced Evolve LTE handheld device offers instant PTT communications, full data capabilities and an open app ecosystem on the Android platform. This means businesses have access to the full range of applications that support searching, tracking, ticketing, scanning, collaboration and work management, and they can even connect to video security cameras to use Evolve as a monitoring portal. Its ruggedized touchscreen is designed to be used in a variety of industrial environments and easily withstands exposure to dust, water and repeated drops. Front- and rear-facing cameras allow users to take and share photos and videos.

Imagine, once again, you are that shop floor manager, but now you have the reliability of the Nitro network and data capabilities of Evolve at your fingertips. If a piece of equipment goes down, you can immediately create a work ticket, attach a photo and alert a technician. If a shipment is expected, you can monitor video of the loading dock across campus to track deliveries. Instead of managing inventory from a central location, you can scan barcodes and access records from your handheld device. Now, with Nitro and Evolve, seamless communication, limitless data and industry-specific programs are all in the palm of your hand.

Contact us to find out more about the Nitro network and Evolve LTE device.

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