June 7, 2019 by Giles Tipsword

Digital Evidence in the Courtroom: Considerations for Prosecutors

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Command Center Software Intelligence-Led Policing Records and Evidence

Digital Evidence in the CourtroomProsecutors play an essential role in our criminal justice system. In collaboration with law enforcement officers, prosecutors must ensure they promote a fair, impartial, and expeditious administration of justice when working on a case. Despite the expectation that a convicted offender will be held accountable for their crime(s), at times the hand off of records and data between law enforcement officials can be inconsistent and inefficient. This isn’t because the data is incorrect or irrelevant, it usually has to do with the current stove-piped systems in place that hinders the efficiency of both law enforcement personnel and prosecutors ingesting and packaging this data collected in the first place.

Digital Evidence in the Courtroom

In order for a prosecutor to solidify a case, responsible case management and accurate efforts must be taken. Without the right technology in place, many critical details could be lost in the shuffle. In order to promote integrity within the prosecution process, records and data must be consistent and streamlined, whether working with the law enforcement agencies or independently.

Consolidated digital evidence management is a way our prosecutors can become even more efficient in their day-to-day responsibilities. CommandCentral Vault is the tool that can help state, county or city level offices ensure their data is simplified and streamlined. CommandCentral Vault is a digital cloud-based evidence management solution that provides a prosecutor’s office access to photos, videos, images, and other evidence that is collected from law enforcement or their own individual findings.

CommandCentral Vault digital evidence management software can:

Digital Evidence in the Courtroom

  • COLLECT: Ingest any source of structured, unstructured, manual uploads or 3rd party systems that gives prosecutors a single pane of glass to view all of their digital evidence.
  • PREPARE: Easily organize and correlate all data efficiently. By leveraging tags and file metadata from CAD and RMS, content is now more easily manageable and shareable with accompanying parties.
  • PRESENT: Enables content mapping of the data, showing valuable context for an incident when presenting this data to a courtroom. Visualization of all collected content can make a difference to the judge and jury when determining an offender’s sentence.
  • PRESERVE: Maintain all data with integrity, is CJIS compliant, any prosecutor can ensure their data is secure until the data is expunged per their offices policy.
  • SHARE: Organize data intelligently to make it more easily searchable, manageable, reviewable, and shareable. Whether ingesting data from different platforms, preparing data for court or presenting information to a judge and jury, or, preserving evidence post-trial. CommandCentral Vault is the one-stop-shop for all evidence that could help build and close a case. With more efficient and streamlined operations, the more accurate evidence is.

Discover digital evidence management solutions for prosecutors, download the brochure.

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