March 19, 2018 by Graeme Casey

Ensuring LMR Radio Communications Uptime

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Fire & EMS

Topics: ASTRO P25 Infrastructure Cybersecurity Infrastructure Services

A seamless, reliable network is essential to business- and mission-critical communications. From public safety and the military to transportation and logistics, organizations around the world rely on land mobile radio (LMR) systems as their go-to communications network.


Since the 1930s and the early days of simple analog two-way radios, LMR technology has undergone a massive transformation. Today’s LMR systems are software-defined and IP-based to meet users’ evolving need. And like all IT-based systems, whether shared or used by a single entity, they are not immune to cyberattacks.


As a result, how they are maintained and supported requires a new breed of resources and expertise. System operators must be knowledgeable not only about the equipment but also about the IP- and software-centric network components to ensure communication is secure and available 24x7x365.


How you manage your LMR system is vital to maximizing uptime and limiting disruptions. Around the world, users are tackling this challenge in a variety of ways—from regular system updates and continuous network monitoring to proactive cybersecurity strategies and system performance trends and analysis.


To gain a clearer picture of the measures that system operators are applying to their networks, Motorola Solutions is conducting an LMR system management survey.


Our research report will provide insights into several compelling areas:

– Support and maintenance services that your peers are using to support their LMR systems

– Cybersecurity measures being taken to address and respond to threats

– Best practices for minimizing network downtime and improving system performance

– Future system management priorities


LMR systems operators and customers are invited to share their experiences and insights in our inaugural survey. The results will be used to help stakeholders and individuals responsible for ensuring system uptime improve their performance by learning from one another and gaining insights into the best ways to tackle the challenges of this complex communications environment.

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