June 21, 2016 by Jean Flanagan

How To Guarantee Full Local Communications on a Regional Network

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Energy Industries Fire & EMS

HOW TO GUARANTEE FULL LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS ON A REGIONAL NETWORKIn the US, 40 of the 50 states operate on a statewide radio network. These systems bring tremendous value to radios users. For the 34 states operating on the ASTRO 25 network, agencies across states reap benefits including


    • complete interoperability between agencies, towns, cities,and neighboring states
    • real-time data intelligence such as GPS location, text messaging, and over-the-air programming
    • cost savings at the local and state levels


However, as with any move from pure self-governance to operating on a shared system, agencies often express concerns over giving up control to a larger network. One of the issues commonly discussed is “what happens to communities on a statewide system when an event takes down communications on the larger network?” What happens if a natural or manmade disaster impairs network communications between an agency’s radio and console sites, and the the core? If that happens, how do agencies relying on mission-critical communications even stay in contact with their own jurisdiction?


Every ASTRO 25 system is built with multiple levels of redundancy and fallback modes to protect against communication loss. To address the serious consequence of network failure at the statewide level, Motorola Solutions offers Edge Availability. This gives agencies the ability to retain full wireline dispatch communication within their community even if they are completely disconnected from their regional or statewide system. Put another way, Edge Availability is the ability of the system to transfer control from the core out to the network edges in the event there is a network transport failure to the core or a fault with the core. For those readers familiar with ASTRO 25 site trunking fallback mode, Edge Availability provides an alternative to maintain trunking operation across the agency’s local sites with wireline console operation.


Here’s an example. The community of Anytown subscribes to their statewide P25 system for their public safety communication needs. The Anytown dispatch center also connects into the statewide system to provide local dispatch service to Anytown. If an upstate tornado takes out the network transport links to the statewide system, Anytown will maintain full dispatch and voice radio communications within their community.


With Edge Availability on the ASTRO 25 system, you have the advantage of interoperability across the state and can feel secure in knowing that events outside of your community will not interrupt your local communications.


Learn more about regional and statewide systems here.


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