September 9, 2019 by Ben Ansell

Public Safety Radio: The Right Device for the Job

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Fire & EMS

Topics: APX Two-Way Radios & Accessories

Public Safety Radio Purpose BuiltA raging wildfire rapidly changes directions and sweeps dangerously close to a highly populated neighborhood. A routine traffic stop turns dangerous when the driver pulls out a weapon. A late night stabbing victim awakens and lashes out at the emergency medical technician trying to stem the bleeding.

In moments like these, being able to call for help can be the difference between life and death.

For public safety personnel, any given day can bring them face-to-face with volatile and chaotic situations. During these high-stress and sometimes dire circumstances, they turn to their radio to provide proven, secure communications; to ensure instant connectivity when minutes or even seconds can make a critical difference. 

That’s why purpose-built devices are the cornerstone of mission critical communications for public safety. Having the right device, tailor-designed to the job at hand is integral to ensuring first responders are able to communicate effectively and efficiently – regardless of the situation. 

Today’s public safety radios have undergone multiple generations of development and user experience testing and are uniquely designed for public safety. Rugged construction ensures the device will keep on working in the most challenging conditions and withstands exposure to dust, water and drops from height. Advanced noise cancellation – including noise suppression, speaker equalization and adaptive windporting –  allows public safety personnel to hear and be heard in any situation or environment. High-capacity batteries enable the device to operate for an extended shift – ensuring officers don’t get a battery warning during a potential critical situation. And mission-critical call standards ensure low latency and immediate call setup times – because first responders may only have a second or two to call for help or to respond to a radio call. A connection cannot wait.

In addition, continued research into high velocity human factors have resulted in a number of key features that ensure these devices are easy to use in the most extreme circumstances. Dedicated push-to-talk buttons are intuitively located and easily accessible so personnel can rely on “muscle memory” to communicate. Custom and thoughtful ergonomics translate to devices that are accessible in any environment – including zero visibility or while wearing heavy gloves and protective equipment. Because emergency personnel don’t want to have to think about how to operate their communications lifeline while trying to focus on the critical work and task at hand. 

Looking forward, public safety needs will evolve – driven by a growing demand for real-time data. This evolution provides an opportunity for mission critical communications to grow and advance. To adopt the best features of consumer products and adapt them into a device that is appropriate and effective for public safety. 

The public safety radio of the future will embrace new, sophisticated advancements while maintaining the proven and trusted foundations found in current mission critical systems. It will leverage advanced mobile intelligence – enabling officers to access videos, pictures and location data to help resolve incidents and make informed decisions in real time. It will embrace interactivity. But most of all, it will maintain the purpose-built features and the hallmarked ruggedness that public safety personnel rely on. Because when lives are on the line and every second matters, your communication lifeline must work – without pause, distraction or doubt.

Download our eBook to learn more about the public safety radio of the future. 

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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