March 12, 2025 by Flynn Nogueira

NG911 Training: Peer-Led Sessions at Summit 2025

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications Situational Awareness

What problems are we solving?

Each year Motorola Solutions’ Summit brings together public safety professionals for three days of training and networking with industry peers and subject matter experts. At Summit, you’ll find a wealth of peer and expert-led sessions, including the case study from Utah and New Mexico on statewide Next Gen 9-1-1 call routing implementation, to how PSAPs are implementing AI use cases. 

This blog gives you a quick glance into some of the call routing and emergency call handling classes taught by your peers. Each class provides valuable insights for every PSAP professional. Based on this preview, which class seems most beneficial for your PSAP’s needs?

Explore all Next Gen call routing and Emergency Call Handling classes at Summit here. 

Customer case study: Peel Regional Police – Technology investments that improve 9-1-1 service

Mark Noble, Inspector, Peel Regional Police Communications Centre, will share how technology that automates the return of abandoned calls solved a major problem for the center. 

“Our challenge,” says Mark, “was that 40% of our 9-1-1 calls were deemed as misuse of the 9-1-1 system, with a significant number being hang ups or pocket dials.” Mark will detail how the Next Gen functionality reduced the call wait time by over 80%. He will share the details of what it means for the relationship with the community and dispatcher stress. 

Customer roundtable: AI use cases

Kevin Rose, Executive Director of Weber Area Dispatch 911 and Emergency Services District in Utah and Lt. Jennifer Reidy, Commander of the Communications Division and PSAP Director for the Howard County Police Department in Maryland, will share how AI is helping them solve two problems: reducing non-emergency calls and giving supervisors new tools to improve operational efficiency.

For us,” says Kevin, “two-thirds of our calls are non-emergency. If we can make a dent in reducing these calls, it will solve multiple problems.” Kevin will pose the question, “Whether a center is short-staffed, having a difficult time hiring people or looking to future staffing needs, how do we save taxpayer money by leveraging AI?” Reducing non-emergency calls can be one answer. 

Lt. Reidy will describe how AI-powered real-time transcription is giving supervisors another set of eyes and ears with the ability to monitor calls anytime, anywhere. “It’s an additional safety measure to make sure we are doing everything the right way,” says Lt. Reidy. “It  allows supervisors to listen to one call while checking on another. It definitely helps them know which dispatchers might need help or support afterwards.”

Customer roundtable: What PSAPs say about their Next Gen call routing deployments 

Bob Finney, Director of Communications Technology for Collier County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, and Tenea Reddick, 911 Director for the City of Baltimore, operate in very different environments. What problems are being solved with their Next Gen call routing service? What impact is interoperability, location-based routing and data validation having on their day-to-day operations? Bob and Tenea, despite their operational differences, believe it’s game changing. And you may as well!

How can different be a good thing? 

Yanneth Contrada, Assistant Supervisor, Collier County Sheriff’s Office and Amy Walker, Emergency Call Handling Technical Trainer, Motorola Solutions, tackle one of the most challenging processes telecommunicators, supervisors, and directors must deal with: change.

Yanneth will give her account of what it means to learn new call handling software that definitely took her team out of their comfort zone initially. Amy will describe her experience as the trainer for the Collier County team and what she observed and knows from her time in the chair. We think you will walk away from this class with a new perspective on why ‘different’ is a good thing.

Check out the complete list of Summit classes 2025. For details and to register, visit the Summit website.

It would be great to see you there! 

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