April 19, 2016 by Robert Buethe

The Case For ASTRO 25 Radio System Upgrades

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Energy Industries Fire & EMS

Topics: ASTRO P25 Infrastructure Cybersecurity Infrastructure Services

THE CASE FOR ASTRO 25 SYSTEM UPGRADESIn 1991, the ASTRO system was born. With the anticipation of Project 25 (P25) – designed to create a user-driven, flexible, and open standard for radio communications – Motorola Solutions built ASTRO as a land mobile radio (LMR) platform to comply with the P25 standard. To celebrate ASTRO’s 25th year, this series will look at the past, present, and future of ASTRO 25 and answer the most pressing questions being asked by radio users today.


You have spent a lot of time and resources to get your ASTRO 25 system to where it is today. Your network is operating well, and your end users are happy with the performance and features of the radios. Why would you want to upgrade your system if everything seems to be working just fine?


Today’s ASTRO 25 systems are modern IP based computer networks with similar maintenance requirements of most IT systems. CIOs and IT Directors around the world are accustomed to the pace of change for hardware, software, routers, gateways and servers, and have come to expect the need for a robust lifecycle plan to stay current and operating at peak efficiency. It is no different with an ASTRO 25 system, for critically important reasons:


Improve Performance and Stability

In addition to hardware, your ASTRO 25 radio system includes multiple software components, such as operating systems, drivers and interfaces, that are provided by different developers. Over time, developers release software patches to improve performance and stability. Upgrading to the latest ASTRO 25 software release gives you the benefits of the latest performance improvements, as well as compatibility and support that comes standard with the software of these vendors.


Access New Features and Capabilities

As networks have grown in size, complexity and cost, the days of installing a system, using it until it is obsolete, and then buying a replacement are past. The expectations of today’s radio user is rapidly changing, and Motorola Solutions continues to develop new features and solutions to respond to this demand. Your radio system needs to evolve to be ready to accept these enhancements. Fortunately, ASTRO 25 is built on a modern IP platform with many of the newest capabilities enabled by easy-to-install software licenses. Keeping your system upgraded with the latest software gives you access to the broadest range of features and capabilities that can meet the demands of your users.


Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks

Cybercrime continues to rise and attackers are constantly evolving their methods. LMR networks are not immune to viruses nor malicious attacks. A strong security posture is required to protect your ASTRO 25 system or you risk communication disruption or privacy invasions that can impact CAD, records, and any interconnected inter-agency radio systems that is configured for interoperability. LMR systems are no longer “closed networks” and every connection is a possible point of intrusion. Running the latest software versions with the latest commercial antivirus definitions and security patches is vital to protect against external attack. And if you haven’t conducted a policy update for a while, consider scheduling a cybersecurity professional risk assessment to further ascertain areas that require attention within your operations.


Control Total Cost of Ownership

By upgrading your ASTRO 25 system to the latest software release you can sign up for a sustainment program from Motorola Solutions which allows you to plan and control your spending and performance with a predictable budget. This program allows you to get the most value from your network through regular technology updates, with no surprise support gaps or unplanned costs. Contact your Motorola Solutions representative for further information about our ASTRO 25 Advanced Plus Service

Learn more about the importance of maintaining an updated network. Visit https://www.motorolasolutions.com/en_us/managed-support-services.html for more information.


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