February 28, 2023 by Flynn Nogueira

From Data to Action: The Impact of Real-Time Location Data on the Telecommunicator

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Command Center Software CAD NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications SaaS

One Map for the Telecommunicator

Let’s imagine, for a moment, what it would be like for the telecommunicator to have one map where they could: 

  • See instantly the real-time Class of Service icon, uncertainty radius and RapidSOS location. 
  • Tailor the map settings to better manage the data for each workflow. As an example, set the event monitor to show which calls are active and which are completed for the entire call center, so anyone can look at the map and see the call volume and status at any given time.  
  • See nearby CAD events and units responding.
  • Access the Esri borderless‌ ‌basemap‌s that ‌show relevant information outside of the PSAP’s boundaries.
  • Share the 9-1-1 call event layer of the map with neighboring jurisdictions to more efficiently manage multi-agency Mutual Aid.
  • Access the live traffic‌ and weather ‌feeds that show traffic status at the incident.
  • Allow command staff, administration and mutual aid agency personnel to view the map for greater situational awareness.

The ability for the telecommunicator to assess and respond effectively to an incident is about gathering data to make fast, accurate decisions. But too often telecommunicators must piece together the information they need from multiple sources on different systems to identify the caller’s location and details about the incident.  

real-time location dataAccess to data beyond the caller’s location, in real time from one map, gives telecommunicators new insight into an incident so they can better verify, understand and quantify what’s happening at the scene. The outcome is a faster, more informed response for the caller and first responders. 

Check out our March 30th NENA webinar as we explore how the CommandCentral Aware for 9-1-1 map can help make the telecommunicator’s job easier and equip them with better intelligence to protect citizens and first responders. The webinar features JC Meyer, ENP, Manager, Network and Security, Department of Public Safety, Lee County, FL, along with Jeff Freeland, ENP,  Mapping Product Manager, Motorola Solutions and Facilitator Martin Doyle, Motorola Solutions Industry Team. 

Find out what one map can do.

Listen to the webinar recording here. 

For more information, visit: www.motorolasolutions.com/ng911  

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