September 1, 2022 by Omar Chaudhry

Enhance Situational Awareness with Body-Worn and In-Car Video Livestreaming

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Federal

Topics: Command Center Software Public Safety Applications Video Solutions

Imagine, as a police officer, arriving on the scene of a shooting. As you arrive, you are focused on the scene and finding the shooter. During incidents like this your job is to contain, control and communicate what is going on. Radioing critical information back to dispatch may be hard for police officers during these situations.  

Livestreaming in CommandCentral Aware

However, Motorola Solutions offers an integration that allows the dispatcher to see the incident as it unfolds. This enables the dispatcher to see in real time if the police officer needs more backup or an EMS team for the injured civilians. Because the dispatcher has eyes on the scene, they are able to give accurate information to backup officers and the EMS team. Now the team is better prepared to take on the critical situation. 

With the V300 body-worn camera and WatchGuard 4RE in-car camera now livestreaming to CommandCentral Aware, a supervisor, analyst or dispatcher can have eyes on the scene with the click of a button. This solution takes strain off the officer so they can focus on the high stress situation and rely on the dispatcher to relay correct information to backup.   

“The amount of data we need to capture, analyze and share would be overwhelming without CommandCentral Aware, which consolidates data from our communications and camera systems, so our command staff have ‘eyes’ on the scene and our first responders at all times,” said Mark Garber, sheriff, Lafayette Parish. “It allows us to map personnel and access field-based intelligence, so we can dispatch and manage the appropriate resources. The recent integration of mobile video, alongside fixed, has added a new dimension, giving us multiple vantage points by which to better understand and react to an incident.”

What Are the Benefits?

  1. Respond with better precision 
  2. Enhance response transparency and responder safety
  3. Offer closer remote visibility and support
  4. Improve awareness of your officers’ locations
  5. Streamline response and investigative workflows

How Does It Work?

V300 body-worn cameras and WatchGuard 4RE in-car cameras are tracked on a live CommandCentral Aware map, whenever they are powered on and connected. V300s need to be within WiFi range of the vehicle or an agency-authorized Wi-Fi hotspot; 4REs need to be connected to LTE or an agency-authorized Wi-Fi hotspot. Command staff can stream live video from a 4RE at any time, but to protect the officer’s privacy, they cannot stream from a V300 unless it is already recording.

To find out more information please refer to the data sheet, contact your account manager, or check out our recent press release with Lafayette Parish Police Sheriff Office.

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