October 7, 2019 by Ben Ansell

Bringing Mission-Critical Data to the Public Safety Workflow

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Fire & EMS

Topics: Analytics APX Two-Way Radios & Accessories Artificial Intelligence Command Center Software Intelligence-Led Policing Public Safety Applications Video Solutions

Bringing Mission-Critical Data to the Public Safety WorkflowWe’ve entered into the age of data. Thanks to recent surges in data collection and the widespread use of sensor-based technologies, there is more “data at the fingertips” than ever before. More and more organizations are embracing the changes and rapidly becoming more data-driven. And public safety is no different.

Today, public safety needs are rapidly evolving to incorporate data and intelligence. In fact, 70 percent of agencies believe access to real-time data in the field is ‘critical.’ However, while today’s mission-critical radios are highly sophisticated tools, they are optimized for voice. 

The radio of the future will build on those voice capabilities with mission-critical data and intelligence – bringing information directly to the field, fast. Embracing mobile intelligence will open up the world of video streaming and data applications – providing public safety personnel with access to real-time video, high-resolution photos, bi-directional vehicular video, dynamic mapping and more. Agencies will be able to leverage this intelligence to resolve incidents and make informed decisions in real time. 

It will enable first responders to get critical information before they arrive on the scene and provide updates while on the scene. It will ensure that public safety officers stay aware and connected with the latest intelligence at all times. Ultimately, the radio of the future and its convergence with mission-critical data will improve operational efficiency and promote intelligent decision-making across public safety.

Dispatchers will be able to share a picture of missing child with the officers participating in the search, furnishing key details and saving critical time. First responders will have access to a map of an incident, providing a fuller picture of events as they unfold. Responding officers will be armed with a detailed background before even stepping onto a scene, warning them of potential dangers. Just imagine the possibilities.

Download our eBook to learn more about the radio of the future.

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