March 18, 2019 by Jerry Gard

CBRS: Redefining Communications

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Industries: Education Energy Industries Hospitality Manufacturing Transportation & Logistics

The communications landscape is evolving. Instant voice communications has long been the backbone of business-critical operations. But we’ve entered a new data-driven reality. Today, the demand for data is limitless – and organizations want to access their data faster and more securely.

In response, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the use of Band 48 – also known as the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS).

CBRS is 150 MHz of spectrum – ranging from 3550 – 3700 MHz – in the 3.5 GHz band. The FCC identified the band – used sparingly by U.S. federal government radar systems, a few fixed satellite receivers and wireless internet providers – as additional spectrum for shared wireless private broadband.

A three-tiered spectrum sharing framework governs CBRS. The first is an Incumbent Access tier for existing band users. A Priority Access tier follows and is available to organizations that purchase Priority Access Licenses (PAL). The final is General Authorized Access (GAA), which is available for general use.

But what does this mean for your organization?

At its core, CBRS will drive access to publicly-available broadband spectrum for the first time – providing entry for a wide variety of of industrial, commercial, retail and carrier organizations. Organizations are able to design their own coverage, customize the network and bring devices online with better capacity.

Download and read the white paper to learn how CBRS will change the future of communication.

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