May 17, 2023 by Michelle Barlow

Are You Compromising Safety? Choosing Familiarity vs Effectiveness

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Command Center Software Community Engagement

Most law enforcement agencies and their leaders are pressed for time. When a long-time mass notification solution appears to get the job done, leadership may feel stability is the better course of action. The reasons to stay put with an existing mass notification vary:

  • “What we currently use is ‘good enough.’”
  • “Switching software is expensive and a drain on resources and time.”
  • “We have too much data to transfer; it’s not worth the risk.”

Outside of a catastrophic software systems failure, familiarity gets mistaken for an effective emergency notification solution for users in the community, PSAP teams, and first responders.

Legacy platforms left unchecked may get the job done. Look at the number of support tickets issued and after-action reports. What feels like a periodic hiccup in your notification platform’s performance is a troubling trend of missing data and unreliable message delivery.

When your long-time safety technology becomes an obstacle in connecting with the community during a crisis – it’s time to consider a new solution.

When is “Good Enough” Not Enough? 

Does your “good enough” critical communication system help your call takers and dispatchers spring into action with ease or slow them down? A hard-to-use interface slows the ability to respond and mobilize emergency resources quickly.

Rave Alert is a proven mass notification solution developed with public safety agencies in mind. Law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency management teams benefit from Rave’s fast and easy-to-use interface, by speeding up message delivery. Reach residents or employees in seconds with critical emergency alerts – wherever they may be and in the format they prefer. These features ensure that emergency alerts can reliably reach all intended recipients, wherever they may be and in the format they prefer.

In three clicks, Rave Alert sends emergency information to warn residents of dangers ahead. And when seconds count, incident managers can quickly view, assign, and track response and recovery tasks – without ever leaving the platform.

Easily scalable to accommodate growing communities, Rave Alert offers local and state public safety agencies a high level of customization. With features like list segmentation and group creation, send the relevant alerts and information – simultaneously to multiple channels – from a single launch point.

Launch Rave Alert Mass Notification in Hours, Not Months

A prolonged transition and implementation roadmap isn’t feasible for public safety agencies. Any break in operations puts lives at risk. In addition, the three-month process that some vendors need to become fully operational makes for a headache many stakeholders aren’t willing to entertain.

To create a seamless transition, our developers created an easy five (5)-step process for making the switch to Rave Alert cost-effective and faster than other vendors.

Safer and Smarter Data Import 

You spent years encouraging the community to opt in and supply their contact information to receive emergency and non-emergency information. The amount of data vulnerable to loss is enough to make emergency managers and PSAP directors cringe at the notion of making any move.

With Rave Alert’s proprietary Smart Loader, you can not only safely transfer user data from your current platform to Rave Alert, but automatically stay up to date as people come and go. Download your existing subscriber base and upload it into Rave to prevent losing your existing latitude and longitude data, group affiliations, or list segmentation. You can also set up a one-time or automated import of employee data with ease.

Built-in Database Synchronization

If outdated user data plagued your previous communications platform, Rave’s notification solutions include built-in database synchronization features. Get imported data validated quickly, and often find errors, such as inaccurate or inactive mobile phone numbers.

Multiple options for importing landline and street address-based contact information ensure that residents who do not use a cell phone or did not opt-in to receive mobile or desktop notifications get emergency information and instructions.

Complacency Can Be Costly

Economic challenges and a lack of funding make exploring a new safety solution a non-starter. Features once viewed as nice-to-have are now must-haves.

Living with a platform with less-than-reliable message delivery is challenging and contributes to delays in deploying life-saving information. When more time is spent creating workarounds and navigating a cumbersome layout, the “good enough” system gets in the way.

Switch to Rave Alert

Rave Alert provides your team with the best-in-class solution you need for both day-to-day communication and large-scale emergencies and events. Switching to Rave Alert is a smooth, streamlined transition with help throughout the entire process. Our mass notification platform is easy to use; administrators can send multichannel alerts in seconds. This system integrates with existing alarms and communication infrastructure, and users can be trained in under two hours. We also offer personal safety apps, incident management systems and critical tools for first responders. To learn more about our products and find the right solution for your organization, contact our team.

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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