October 7, 2020 by Flynn Nogueira

Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know to Protect Your PSAP

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: CAD Cybersecurity NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications Records and Evidence

The public safety landscape is increasingly interconnected, making it a ripe target in a world where cyberattacks are growing in number and in sophistication. Outdated systems and environments that lack security policies and practices are easy marks for the cyber criminal. It is critical PSAPs have measures to protect their systems, especially knowing public safety can be collateral damage of an even wider target.

What steps can you take to protect your PSAP?PSAP Cybersecurity

You may have heard us say often that protecting people starts with protecting the PSAP. This statement could not be more accurate when it comes to cybersecurity. A PSAP vulnerable to cyberattacks is unable to protect the community it serves. And cyber criminals are indiscriminate. They don’t care whether you are a PSAP with four positions or 400. 

No matter your PSAP’s size, listen as Paul Hill, a twenty-year veteran in cybersecurity, gives  straightforward information on how an attack can happen to your PSAP, including the specific risks you face. What is most concerning to Paul, as you will hear, is the speed at which attacks are happening to public safety agencies. More importantly, learn about the proactive practices and controls you can put in place now to mitigate the threats. 

Tune in and register to listen to the recording – Cyber Threats to Public Safety – so you can increase your ability to respond to an attack when – not if – it happens. Also, when you register you are automatically notified of our free webinars to help you expand your expertise on all things Next Generation 9-1-1.

For more information, visit Motorola Solutions Cybersecurity Services

Contact us to find out more about our Cybersecurity Services.

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  • Jaylin Bogan

    Now everyone should have knowledge about cyber security. Whether it is small or deep, we should be concerned about online privacy.

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