January 7, 2020 by Flynn Nogueira

Evolution Matters: A Smart Strategy to Manage NG9-1-1 Changes

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: ASTRO P25 Infrastructure Command Center Software CAD Cybersecurity NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications

When Seconds Matter…

Every New Year signals a time for change, but these days, in the public safety world, change is continuous. As agencies seek to safeguard mobile citizens, they face the need for technological changes and new processes and with many of the same resources, which creates greater challenges than ever before. Yet, no matter the barriers, we know the move to Next Generation 9-1-1 is happening and must in order to serve and protect. We also know that the approach PSAPs take will make all the difference in their ability to adapt now and for changes to come. The evolution matters.

Changes to technology, platform and systems aren’t revolutionary. They aren’t made overnight or in a vacuum. They must occur in phases and on a timeline. This means PSAPs must have flexibility to adapt to the changes to meet their individual needs and ensure successful adoption. That’s why, at Motorola Solutions, we have built our Next Generation Core Services, emergency call handling systems and our entire CommandCentral software suite with a focus on evolution, not revolution. In doing so, we empower 9-1-1 Agencies to manage the change, while progressing at a pace on their terms. We know, just as seconds matter in an emergency, the evolution to NG9-1-1 matters to your abilities to effectively respond.

As we delve into our blog series, “Topics That Matter When Seconds Matter,” this month and next, we’ll provide insight into our NG9-1-1 solutions and strategy. Most important, you’ll hear your peers tell why evolution matters to them and how it’s making a positive impact on their current and future operations. Meet us here next week to learn why it matters to your PSAP.

To learn more about evolution and NG9-1-1:

Evolution Begins with the Right Technology Partner

No Longer a Voice Call: The Evolution to Visual Content – Part 1

No Longer a Voice Call: The Evolution to Visual Content Part 2

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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