March 23, 2021 by Giles Tipsword

How Can Law Enforcement Agencies Increase Transparency Despite A Decreased Budget?

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Video Solutions

Video-as-a-ServiceIt’s been one year since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, video has shaped our lives in a number of ways. Video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Hangouts have enabled us to meet safely. Video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu have provided entertainment at home. And video evidence of police encounters have magnified calls for increased police transparency. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also adversely impacted the economy, causing many to tighten their budget belts. 

When you combine those last two points, what do you get? 

Law enforcement agencies that recognize the need for body-worn cameras and in-car video systems, but who might be working with a limited budget. 

Cities are facing major budget gaps due to COVID-19 freezing economic engagement. Raising funding and securing grants is difficult and time consuming. Data storage and system maintenance costs are also hard to predict. And video technology continues to mature, making a big investment potentially risky. 

Transparency shouldn’t come at a high price. So what’s the solution? 

Motorola Solutions is here to partner with you to overcome these obstacles by delivering V300 body-worn cameras, 4RE in-car video systems, evidence management software and support services through Video-as-a-Service

  • Minimized Upfront Cost: Simply get what you need and pay as you go. Turn a large purchase into a manageable operating expense.
  • Budget Predictability: The camera system, software, video storage and maintenance are included at a price that stays the same each month.
  • Assured Performance: No-Fault Warranty, advance hardware replacement and 24/7 phone support assures performance and a worry-free experience.
  • Technology Refresh: Receive free body-worn cameras and batteries during the program to refresh your inventory, keeping you current with the latest technology. 

We’ve faced many challenges over this past year. Losing sleep over affording the video solutions your agency needs to maintain community trust should not be one of them. We’re here to help. Get your cameras and get going. 

Learn more or schedule a demonstration of Video-as-a-Service.

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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