November 11, 2019 by Lauren Mora

IACP 2019 Recap: Motorola Solutions Showcases the Next Generation of Public Safety Technology

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Analytics APX Two-Way Radios & Accessories Command Center Software Intelligence-Led Policing NG9-1-1 Public Safety Applications Records and Evidence Video Solutions

Thank you to all law enforcement leadership and personnel that attended the 2019 International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference (IACP) in our hometown of Chicago! We were excited to share this special event with you. Here are some memorable highlights from the show: 

Motorola Solutions made a splash at the 126th IACP Conference with the announcement of our biggest launches in over a decade – APX NEXT™, the newest mission-critical P25 radio in the APX family, and ViQi™, a virtual assistant for first responders. 

What’s the NEXT Generation of Radio? 

APX NEXTAPX NEXT is our next-generation, mission critical Project 25 (P25) public safety smart radio, enabled with embedded LTE for enhanced communications and data-centric application services. Built with a durable touchscreen that can be used in rain or when wearing gloves, it offers first responders an optimized interface for fast and efficient navigation. 

To demonstrate APX NEXT durability on the showroom floor at IACP, exhibitors had the opportunity to drive a sledgehammer into the front screen of an APX NEXT device, experiencing first-hand how rugged this radio is. 

Additionally, we introduced ViQi voice control at IACP, showcasing how responders are now able to search databases, change channels, and manage talkgroups using just their voice. This virtual assistant streamlines workflows and allows responders to keep their eyes up and focus forward by leveraging AI and machine learning. 

We also showcased SmartConnect, SmartLocate, and SmartProgramming in our APX NEXT area. These features enable responders to seamlessly switch between LMR and LTE without user interaction, leverage the near-instant location of first-responders, and configure entire fleets in minutes rather than months. 

Those who experienced APX NEXT at IACP agreed, this is more than “just” a radio. It is the next generation of public safety communications. 

Continuing the Motorola Momentum 

IACP 2019 BoothMotorola Solutions continued the momentum of launching innovative technology at IACP with WatchGuard V300 Body-Worn Camera and Vigilant Investigative Suite, including BallisticSearch™ and CrimeSearch.

We also released upgrades to our CommandCentral Software Suite, including WAVE Broadband PTT video streaming, CommandCentral Community, and CommandCentral Records. These solutions help law enforcement better communicate, share information between units, connect with the community, and streamline data silos. 

We are paving the way as the first and only mission critical ecosystem for public safety. Together with our suite of solutions, we are helping law enforcement work Safer as One.

For more demo highlights from the show check out our YouTube Video Playlist.

Giving Back to Chicago’s Communities

Eddie JohnsonWhile at IACP, Motorola Solutions Foundation and Police Memorial Foundation hosted several charity events throughout the conference, including 5K Foot Chase, Motorcycle Ride in Remembrance, and a kit packing event to benefit Domestic Violence Shelters in Chicago: “Packing for a Cause.”

Packing for a Cause brought conference attendees together to pack wellness kits for toddlers, children, teens, and adults in Domestic Violence Shelters across Chicago. Chicago PD’s own Superintendent Eddie Johnson also stopped by to contribute to the cause, packing several kits while attending the conference. After the show, the 600+ packed kits were distributed to the Chicago shelters. 

Together, law enforcement, conference attendees, and the citizens of Chicago paid it forward to those in need. 

IACP Workshops 

IACP Speaking SessionMotorola Solutions also participated in three well-attended speaking sessions at IACP. The most notable session, How to Build Successful Partnerships between Law Enforcement & the Community Leveraging Video, involved a dynamic panel of experts. 

Glendale AZ Police Department, New Orleans Office of Emergency Preparedness and a Motorola Solutions subject matter expert discussed how collaborating with their communities to leverage video has decreased crime and aided first responders. 

With over 130+ attendees in the room, many questions were asked on the best practices, challenges, and considerations on law enforcement video usage within cities, all while collaborating with businesses.  Many agencies today are considering utilizing the public’s camera infrastructure as a key tool to fight crime. This transition can only be done by understanding key technology considerations and lessons learned from partnering agencies while implementing these tools. 

Glendale, New Orleans, and Motorola left conference attendees with first-hand examples and key takeaways for conference attendees to go forward within their own departments. Transitioning to 21st-century policing tactics and collaborating with experts around the county allow law enforcement and the community to bridge the gap between crime in their respective cities.  

The Backbone of the Conference 

The conference went smoothly, the showroom was booming, and the speaking sessions were lively. But behind the glitz and glam, protecting us tirelessly were the men and women of the Chicago Police Department, ensuring we could enjoy the conference to the fullest while they stand guard. 

Without those first responders who serve our communities, the privilege of attending a conference of this scale would not be possible. Motorola Solutions was proud to partner with CPD and Superintendent Johnson for all the surrounding events. We cannot thank the men and women of the Chicago Police Department enough for their tireless support and continued protection at IACP 2019. 

We look forward to transitioning into the new year with all of these great successes and launches from the conference. Our customers’ continuous dedication to public safety drives us to innovate and lead every day. See you in 2020 for another successful year of partnering with public safety! 

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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