March 17, 2023 by Cathy Longley

Improve Your Communications With a Text Notification System

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Topics: Business-Critical Applications Command Center Software Unified Team Communications

Does your company, organization, school or hospital communicate via text? Many older mass notification systems rely on emails and voice calls to reach recipients, but texting offers several unique benefits that can’t be overlooked.

In most cases, a text alert will reach a recipient much faster than an email or phone call, especially in locations where cell connections are unreliable. Employers, administrators and government agencies can help keep their workers, students and residents safer by incorporating a text notification system into their mass communication infrastructure.

Top benefits of a text notification system

Text messages offer many unique advantages over voicemail and email messages, which are commonly used in corporate mass communications. Text messages can be sent and received faster and more reliably than emails and voicemails. They can also reach users who don’t see desktop notifications because they are away from their computers.

Text messaging also allows users to easily send targeted messages to specific recipients or groups. With Rave Mobile Safety’s mass communications system, administrators can select recipients based on role, geographic location, or another user-defined category. Additionally, our system automatically translates messages into more than 60 languages, so every recipient can choose their preferred language.

Finally, text messaging simplifies contact lists. With emails, desktop notifications, or automated phone trees, recipients must be added to internal databases or contact lists in order to receive messages. With text messaging, individuals can utilize opt-in technology to sign up for specific alerts without needing to be added to permanent contact lists. This is ideal for temporary employees, visitors and contractors.

Texts get more engagement than email and voice calls

Technological advances drive changes in communication. Letters were replaced by telegrams, telephone calls, and then emails. And now, text messages are quickly becoming the preferred method of communication for many people.

In fact, most individuals (especially young people) list text messaging as their preferred form of communication; three-quarters of consumers younger than 44 prefer to contact a business via text. Statistics show that text messages have an open rate of up to 98%.

Text messaging is far more effective than voicemail. Approximately two-thirds of individuals don’t listen to voicemail messages from businesses, and fewer than 20% listen to voicemails from unknown numbers. Most people (up to 80%) would also prefer to send a text message than leave a voicemail.

Text messages also get seen sooner than emails. According to one survey, over half of respondents check text message notifications within 1 to 5 minutes of receipt. However, most people check email far less often, and that frequency may continue to decline as more people experience a correlation between frequent email checking and lower productivity.

People are more likely to engage (e.g., click through) with a text message than an email. Managers, administrators, and government officials can include critical details in a text along with a link users can click for more information.

Top use cases for text notifications

Text notifications can be used to inform recipients of emergencies, but there are many other applications as well:

Government organizations

Federal government agencies can keep employees updated during emergency situations. With two-way messaging and polling, they can verify each individual’s status and safety.

Local governments can use text messaging effectively to warn local residents of severe weather, road work and law enforcement activity. Visitors can opt-in to receive emergency texts, and the system can automatically remove these recipients from contact lists after a designated period of time.

Local law enforcement agencies can also utilize texting. They can send alerts to local residents and initiate text conversations with 9-1-1 callers who are unable to speak out loud.

K-12 schools

Emergency text alerts can provide students with critical instructions (e.g., shelter in place) and inform parents of the school’s current status (e.g., under lockdown). Additionally, text messages can inform students and parents of delayed starts, report card distribution and other time-sensitive information.


Texting works well to inform college students of class location or schedule changes, facility closures and weather delays. Universities can also send crucial information about activities and mental health resources.


Employers can send emergency alerts as well as time-sensitive operational messages. Texting is especially effective for remote and lone workers and employees whose job tasks don’t allow them to check their email very often.

Healthcare institutions

Hospitals and other facilities can inform patients, family members and staff members of emergencies and tell recipients how to respond. Managers can also use texting to quickly react to staffing shortages by modifying shift schedules.

Organizations in every industry can benefit from incorporating text messaging capabilities into their emergency alert and internal communication systems.

Communicate better with text solutions from Rave Mobile Safety

Communication is critical for businesses, schools and government organizations, and text messages are by far the most reliable and convenient option. Most people prefer to send and receive texts, and they will read text messages more quickly than emails. For businesses and other organizations, text messages are fast and easy to send, especially with a comprehensive mass notification platform.

The Rave Mobile Safety Suite offers several communication solutions that incorporate text notification functionality. From emergency alerts to operational messages to polls, text notifications provide simple, reliable connections during crises and normal operations. We offer several prebuilt tools as well as customizable communications solutions. To learn more and find the best option for your organization, contact our team.

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