October 11, 2017 by Metre Lewis

The Power of Crime Analytics Takes Down a Burglary Ring

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

As Crime Analysts, we are the hub for all information. A lokissimee_analyticst of information comes to us from not only our agency, but from other agencies as well, and we are responsible for digesting that and sending it back out to our officers in a usable form.


With the introduction of CommandCentral Analytics, we have been able to come in and be more proactively responsive to crime. We’re not responding 10 days later, we’re responding immediately to what’s going on. We’re able to direct resources immediately to a crime problem, solve that crime problem by either displacing it or making an arrest and make people feel safe.


One specific example is when we had a series of restaurant burglaries that were occurring. With the help of CommandCentral Analytics we were able to give our detectives and officers a list of where we thought the next crimes were going to occur. We made a significant arrest in just a matter of weeks and with that, we found a complete burglary ring out of Texas operating here in Florida.


CommandCentral Analytics has changed the way we do our jobs immensely. It’s taken a lot of the manual processes that we would have to do like trying to figure out the time of day and event that’s happening. We can actually look at all of that disparate information in one place and analyze from there. That’s the power of CommandCentral Analytics.


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