In this article
Explore new Pronto features: address suggestions, Android Auto CAD integration, multi-tenant SSO, dark mode, and number plate scanning. Boost officer efficiency with real-time incident mapping, list views and remote statement notifications. See all the latest Pronto updates.
January, 2025
CAD incidents on homescreen map
There are now more CAD incidents featured on the homescreen map, including assigned incidents and detailed filters, in addition to the officer’s current deployment. This provides more real-time situational awareness information for officers upfront, instead of requiring multiple button presses.
Points of interest on homescreen map
We’ve added points of interest to the homescreen map, which can be customised on a per-force basis; potential locations include police stations, hospitals and AEDs.
List view for homescreen map
Officers can view a list of all content available on their homescreen map, in addition to the standard map UI. This enables them to see details in an easy-to-read, condensed format.
Address suggestions on Pronto desktop
Pronto desktop will now suggest addresses based on proximity to the user. This simplifies the entry of address information, and eliminates the need for manual gazetteer searching.
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June, 2024
Android Auto
You can now use Android Auto to view and change your CAD status, view a deployed incident and navigate to the incident via Google Maps – bringing key Pronto functionality to your patrol vehicle without distractions or second screens.
Multi-tenant single sign-on (SSO) support
If you are on the same Pronto instance as other forces, you no longer need to share the same Azure AD application with them – you can configure your own, individual application instead.
Additional information in shift start and end documents
You can now record key operational information such as station, crew, and callsign alongside the date and time of shift start/end.
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March, 2024
Dark mode
The Pronto app can now appear in dark mode, to accommodate officers with photosensitivity or visual impairments. Officers can change their theme from the User Preferences screen; the options are light, dark, or system. If system is selected, Pronto will follow the device’s settings (which may include changing the theme at certain times of day).
Number plate scanning for vehicle searches
When searching for a specific vehicle, officers can now scan a number plate using their Pronto device’s camera, instead of needing to manually enter a number plate. This enables more efficient, accurate data entry in the fields.
Remote statement notifications
Instead of manually checking the status of their remote statements, officers will now get a push notification on their Pronto device when a witness approves or rejects a statement, or when it expires.
Different header colours for different Pronto Manager environments
Pronto Manager now supports different header colours for your production, pre-production and/or prototype environments, to reduce confusion about which version you’re using at any one time.
Automatic patching service
We’ve introduced a new Windows Service that enables Pronto Desktop to self-update. This Service is installed alongside the Desktop client, and will run automatically to update the client when a new patch is available.