August 28, 2023 by Maddy Roe

Leveraging AI Technology in the PSAP Environment

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Command Center Software CAD PSAPs Public Safety Applications SaaS

AI Technology In the PSAP

New features help agencies incorporate AI technology in the PSAP environment

Has your organization started seeing the impacts of artificial intelligence in day-to-day operations? With the conversation shifting from theoretical to actual examples of how AI is helping industries evolve business operations, many questions remain on how public safety organizations can leverage AI technology in the PSAP. Because PSAPs and the agencies they work with rely on mission-critical software like computer-aided dispatch (CAD) to safely respond to incidents in their communities, new technologies like AI are usually not adopted until proven safe and effective. 

Today the PremierOne CAD and Flex CAD product teams are excited to share a new feature designed to help ease the data entry process during an incident. And yes, it’s developed from AI–but without any risk to the PSAP or interference with existing processes.

Speeding Data Entry with a Comments Parser

During an incident, telecommunicators are often managing multiple streams of information coming in at once. The new Comments Parser feature can help reduce the cognitive load — or the amount of mental effort a telecommunicator uses to remember information and jump between applications — by allowing a dispatcher to quickly input data without having to open multiple screens. 

Here’s where the magic happens. The Comments Parser feature in PremierOne is able to identify different types of numerical data as entered into the comments and automatically add it to the correct field in the appropriate screen. For example, a telecommunicator can add a block of text as a comment containing a VIN number, a license plate number, a driver license number and a birthdate. The Comments Parser will recognize and extract the VIN, license plate and driver license number from that block of text, and automatically add them to the proper fields. The birthdate – even if it’s in a different date/month/year format than the system expects – will be recognized, extracted, and put into the correct field in the preferred format. For Flex, the comments parser works for vehicle information. 


The benefit to telecommunicators is clear–giving them the option to speed data entry during a call for service, improving efficiency and accuracy, by simply capturing the data in one chunk and letting the Comments Parser place it appropriately. 

PremierOne – Delivering Innovation

“What’s cool about this feature is that it was originally created for Motorola Solutions cloud-deployed CAD, CommandCentral CAD,” says DeeDee Wilson, Product Manager for PremierOne CAD. “But now PremierOne customers get to use it in their hybrid systems.” 

For customers, there’s no need to purchase or deploy any cloud products or services–this new feature will be available right in the PremierOne client and as part of an upcoming update. For any organizations concerned about data security, no data is sent or received from the cloud as it’s contained entirely within their system.

It’s exciting to share how PremierOne CAD customers can leverage AI technology in their PSAPs. I can’t wait for customers to start to use it once it is released, because we’re only going to improve on it. This feature is just one example of how we’re always innovating, making PremierOne CAD smarter and more intuitive for the end user.

“It’s exciting to share how PremierOne CAD customers can leverage AI technology in their PSAPs,” says Wilson. “I can’t wait for customers to start to use it once it is released, because we’re only going to improve on it. This feature is just one example of how we’re always innovating, making PremierOne CAD smarter and more intuitive for the end user.” 

Interested in learning more about Motorola Solutions Computer-Aided Dispatch? Learn which CAD is right for your agency. 

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