July 13, 2022 by Carol Donahue

Watch on Demand: The Big 5 Questions about Education Grants

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Industries: Education

Topics: Business-Critical Applications School Safety

Modern schools use technology in almost every facet of education. But when it comes to communications and security, too often they must make do with aging or inefficient equipment. More than 50% of schools rely on state or federal grants to cover the costs to update or replace their equipment.

Learn from our panel of education experts about the programs available to help your school secure the funding you need and how to address the many challenges related to the application process. 

Watch the on demand webinar to uncover the Big 5 Questions about Education Grants including:

  1. What is a Grant?
  2. What Education Grants are available? (as of May 2022)
  3. How can I find Education Grants?
  4. How do I apply for Education Grants?
  5. What are the next steps after I receive funding?

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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