For First Responders, the Call is Much Greater than DUTY

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Fire & EMS

Topics: Community Engagement

In times of danger, when many instinctively flee, what makes first responders answer the call and run toward the threat? What makes them willing to put themselves in harm’s way in order to save lives?

This impulse is born out of an individual’s calling – a calling to serve others, to contribute more deeply to society, to act as a defender of our community. We may call it bravery or courage. First responders know it simply as DUTY.

DUTY keeps them hopeful. DUTY keeps them strong. DUTY keeps them facing forward– focused clearly on the mission. DUTY propels them to run into harm’sway, when common sense tells them to retreat. And at times DUTY, may even require the ultimate sacrifice.

Every day, they arrive at their shifts not knowing if they’ll go home at the end. They see the best, but also the worst that people are capable of and respond with compassion,empathy and honor. They treat us when we’re injured, find us when we’re lost and protect us in the midst of danger.

Through personal resolve and rigorous training, that sense of duty runs deep – stronger than exhaustion, more powerful than doubt, deeper than the instinct for survival. DUTY is engrained so deeply in the heart and mind that they answer the call again and again.

At Motorola Solutions, we understand that it’s more than a job; it’s not about a paycheck; it’s not even solely about the career. We know, because we’ve been there.


It is a calling. And we salute our first responders who answer that call fearlessly and relentlessly. No matter how often that call comes – no matter how long and grueling the shift, no matter how severe the danger – they answer.

We’re forever indebted to all the untold good that first responders do. Now more than ever, those stories need to be heard.

We are calling on everyone to honor those men and women who make that first response with the hashtag #dutyrunsdeep. For every post with hashtag (#dutyrunsdeep), the Motorola Solutions Foundation will donate $1 to both the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF). NLEOMF is dedicated to honoring and remembering the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers in the United States as well as conducting research into officer fatality trends and issues. Similarly, NFFF aims to honor and remember America’s fallen fire heroes as well as provide resources to assist in rebuilding their lives.

There is no way we can pay them back for all they do for us, but we can celebrate their bravery and share their triumphs.

At Motorola Solutions, we stand with them. we always have, and we always will.

Daniel Seals, Retired Detective, Criminal Intelligence Division, Covington Police Department
Col. James M. Wolfinbarger, Retired Chief, Colorado State Patrol






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