April 15, 2019 by Flynn Nogueira

Motorola Solutions Honors Telecommunicators

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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement Fire & EMS

Topics: Command Center Software CAD Cybersecurity NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications

It Starts with the Call

This week, April 14-20, 2019, is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. This week, we honor telecommunicators everywhere. These brave men and women are oftentimes the first helpful voice citizens hear in their times of need. They are our first, first responders, and though they may not be seen, there’s no denying the tremendous role they play in countless efforts to save lives. It starts with the call, and it starts with them.

We were fortunate to speak with several telecommunicators in recent weeks, so that we could share their stories with you. It is rare to hear the story from the telecommunicator’s perspective. But when we do, as you will experience, it is breathtaking. Each story stands alone, but you’ll quickly recognize the dedication, commitment and passion they all have for keeping us safe and keeping ‘their’ first responders safe. These individuals have a true calling and gift, with one of them summing it up perfectly, “Dispatchers are born, not made.”

Join us this National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, not only get to know the people we honor in these stories, but to hear what they declare for telecommunicators everywhere.

With all our hearts, thank you to all of you who make up our Thin Gold Line for all you do.

Contact us to find out more about our solutions and services.

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