Police Week 2019: Beyond the Call of Duty

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police-week-logoPolice Week, taking place this year May 12 – May 18, is an observance in the United States for the courageous law enforcement officers who paid the ultimate price in their service to society. This important occasion honors the sacrifice and commitment of law enforcement across the nation. I would like to explain why it is so much more than just a memorial to many of us.

In 2013, I retired as the Chief of the Colorado State Patrol. Throughout my entire career, from trooper to chief, I have had the privilege and honor of working side-by-side with many brave and courageous men and women, some of whom  paid the ultimate sacrifice. As the chief, I was responsible for the 1,200 members of the CSP including 5 regional statewide communications centers with over 140 police communications professionals. The members of a law enforcement agency are not just co-workers, they are family. This level of connection is not uncommon across public safety agencies and the military.

Now retired from CSP, I continue my role in public safety serving in a different way. As Director of Command Center Software for Motorola Solutions, I have the opportunity to provide thought leadership around the use of technology for first responders. Our goal is to ensure the men and women who work in law enforcement have the tools needed to keep themselves safe and their communities protected in the moments that matter most.

A moment is defined as a very brief period of time, and in law enforcement, a lot can happen in those delicate seconds. Most of us know an officer that has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Whether an act of heroism, supporting a community member, responding to a distraught call, or protecting those who cannot protect themselves, we know who to count on to answer our call. 

Law enforcement officers are faced with more challenges today than ever before. At times, their heroic acts can be lost in the noise of negativity, drowned out by the unfavorable press that can be associated with the profession. Standing behind these officers are the community members that have experienced their acts of bravery and selflessness firsthand, whether through a personal interaction or even just the feeling of living in a safe community. Law enforcement officers are serving your community even when they aren’t noticed or acknowledged for their acts. These brave men and women daily exhibit the core values of Honor, Duty and Respect.

Recognize a Law Enforcement Officer that Goes Beyond the Call of Duty

In honor of Police Week 2019, I am proud to share with you the Motorola Solutions Foundation ‘Moments of Heroism’ campaign, in partnership with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF). The Moments of Heroism campaign encourages members of the community to recognize law enforcement officers they consider heroes. By nominating an officer and the moment they went above and beyond the call of duty, we are recognizing those unsung heroes that may not always get the recognition and positive accolades they deserve.

For every submission, the Motorola Solutions Foundation will donate $10 to the NLEOMF, along with $1 for every post with the hashtag #PoliceHeroMoments, with the goal of raising $20,000 by October 26, 2019.

Any person in the community can submit a hero, whether or not a member of law enforcement. Stories need to highlight sworn federal, state and local, or tribal law enforcement officers in the U.S. including fallen or active officers. Your submission can simply be a description of why you believe this person is a hero, or describe a specific incident. The information shared needs to be authentic and accurate.

Share your tribute. Our law enforcement officers, active or passed, should be recognized for more than just one week out of the year. Take a moment to thank those who put their lives on the line for our communities.

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