July 19, 2021 by Flynn Nogueira


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Industries: 9-1-1 & Law Enforcement

Topics: Command Center Software CAD NG9-1-1 PSAPs Public Safety Applications

Why do telecommunicators take the call? It’s one of the hardest jobs in public safety and involves so much more than “taking the call”. What is it that makes it possible for these courageous telecommunicators to come back day after day and take one call after another – some so difficult, most of us can’t even imagine. 

We continue to be humbled by what telecommunicators do to keep us and first responders safe. They are truly the first, first responders.

We’ve been asking telecommunicators to respond to #WHYITAKETHECALL and getting awe-inspiring responses. We just got back from Navigator 2021 where we began building the telecommunicator’s mural dedicated to your passion for 911. We will continue building the mural throughout NENA.

Here are just a few of the responses we are getting:

#WHYITAKETHECALL  Wendy Youmans, Dispatcher, Emergency Communications Department, City of Rochester, NY says, “I take the call because you never know who is on the other end. I could be the last person someone talks to. I could help a child who is scared. I may be able to give you a reason to keep living. I have to answer because you need me.”

Corrinne Stiles, Dispatcher, Little Rock Police Department Communications, AR, says, “I take the call because I want to help people when they feel like everything around them is falling apart. Every man and woman who signs up for this job is taking on a huge responsibility because they are willing to hear the worst of the worst on back to back calls, trying to help the citizen in need. Everyone deserves someone they can go to when they are in need, especially when calling 911.”

Karina Amendariz, Public Safety Communicator, El Paso Regional Communications Center, El Paso, TX says, “My mom could be calling 911 one day and when I take the call, I want to do it for anyone’s mom. I like that I can help people.”

Wendy, Corrinne and Karina were part of our podcast series where we spotlighted the teamwork between telecommunicators and first responders. 

If you are a telecommunicator, we want to hear from you. Please share your passion for 911. Join us at NENA, booth #1501, or contact Mag’e Hernandez for the bubble hand signs (included in the telecommunicators’ mural) for your team and ask them to write #WHYITAKETHECALL and post it on your social media sites. Let’s spread the word. Let’s celebrate how incredible you are! 

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